Catering Audits

Client Case Study:
Global Business Software Corporation (Top 3)
Requirement: CATERING AUDIT of catering and hospitality across 16 UK offices, as part of a head office due diligence exercise.
5 Features of our unique approach:
- We reviewed contract terms, trading account, caterer invoices and earnings.
- We produced a shopping basket benchmark of the 100 top product lines.
- We analysed staff contracts, pay and labour costs versus industry standards.
- We undertook site visits to review standards and provided a summary report.
- We conducted a coffee shop benchmark of the “best” high street coffee shops.
3 Key results:
- We identified shopping basket savings per month of circa. £1,500 (based on one site).
- The caterer made shopping basket swaps (as the client was seen to be paying over 10% above the average market price), coffee cost savings and further supplier negotiations.
- We recommended the client retain the incumbent caterer.