City-based solicitors Bates Wells said, last week, shortages in the sector could hit ‘crisis levels’ following the post-Brexit deadline for EU citizens to apply for settled status in the UK on 30 June, saying: “EEA [European Economic Area] workers comprise 7.3% of the UK’s working population. The June 30th deadline will create enormous problems for businesses in the hospitality and leisure sectors. These businesses are already seeing severe labour shortages. This is set to get significantly worse.”
TAF Catering Consultancy know, having engaged by talking directly to 40 caterers in the last 6 weeks alone, that Nine in 10 caterers are already facing staff shortages this year.
Daily Business Group also reports similar results and, from a recent poll:
- 51% anticipate shortages in all roles and
- 39% were concerned about back of house roles only.
All of these signs reinforce widespread concerns about the current crisis in hospitality recruitment as trading restrictions ease.
Why? We’re simply people with huge passions for our industry and chefs in it… and have a “can do” approach.
We’re reaching out, having commissioned a talented illustrator we know to create two posters for us to SHARE, to help rebuild our Hospitality sector by inspiring those outside and inside to join.
We see life simply: a picture pairs a thousand words. Have a look at the attached and see what you think?
As time is precious and you’re likely to be juggling many balls, besides actions speak louder than words…
Please help us by posting or sharing both these posters adding your own personal (inspirational) message to inspire ANYONE, who might be in your network, to join our wonderful hospitality sector (and/or ask them to SHARE the posters).
Perhaps we’ll meet someday if for a proper chat about this and other things.
In the mean time, thanks for listening and hope to be able to thank you some day for your support.
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed individuals can change the world. In fact, it’s the only thing that ever has.” (Margaret Mead)
Best Wishes and Keep safe.
Tracey Fairclough | Managing Director
#hospitality #chefs # foodservice #restaurants #taftalkshospitality #contractcatering #foodservices #events #workplacecatering #UKreopening